







The Film Study Program of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara is a Bachelor’s Degree (S-1) study with the degree of Bachelor of Art (Sarjana Seni / S.Sn.). The study program consists of 2 (two) areas of majors, which are Film and Animation. The undergraduate study load is between 144 to 160 Semester Credit Units (credits), with a curriculum of 8 semesters and a program duration between 7 to 14 semesters.

Matrix of Needs and Competencies based on the triple helix concept

Society and Government Graduates who have good attitude and behavior, communicative, teamwork, creative ability, responsive (sensitive), improvisation, appreciative, leadership, and proactive (in community development programs, government incubation programs, academic participants in setting standards work competence by the government, communities and creative associations and social activities related to the knowledge possessed.), supported by leadership and entrepreneurship skills.
Professional and Industrial Graduates who have competencies based on the National Work Competency Standards in the field of film and animation, namely: operating hardware & supporting software (hard skills), ability to do analysis & evaluation (critical thinking, finding & solving problems), ability to think creatively (out of the box), and soft skills able to communicate and work in a team (teamwork).
Have the ability to open and develop a business in the field of art and design by applying entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial skills.
Academic and Scientific Graduates who can share and convey knowledge (sharing), are proactive in development activities, can motivate in obtaining recognition of professional certification (government) as well as relevant higher education levels, and can improvise, observe, appreciate and explore their knowledge.
Able to carry out scientific development (research & development), conduct research and experiments, formulate and evaluate scientific problems, design innovations and make efficient, adaptive, and carry out scientific updates on technological and information developments in various conditions and social cultures.

General, Specific, and Core Competencies

Core Competencies

Students learn to master concepts and technical skills in story writing, producing, directing, cinematography, production design, post-production, sound design, marketing, and distribution. In addition, they also learn to give criticism to films.

Specific Competencies:

In particular, students learn to make films with deep content. They are also able to combine live-action and animation technology.

Core Competencies

Students learn to master technical concepts and skills, especially in digital animation (2D, hybrid, and motion graphics) with 3D visualization and VFX as support.

Specific Competencies:

Having broad expertise in the field of animation, but at least one primary expertise.

Honed Aspects

Expected Learning Outcomes (ELO) of Film-SP UMN are a combination of all leading aspects and learning from technology, and innovation to compete in global industry 4.0 with critical thinking, the international standard, entrepreneurship, and new media-oriented.

Outcome-Based Education

Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is an approach that emphasizes the sustainability of the learning process where at the end of the study, each student must be able to achieve the goals set by the Film Study Program.


Expected Learning Outcome

ELO Codes Keywords Expected Learning Outcome (ELO) Compliance With
Vision KKNI SN-DIKTI PROSFISI (Association)
ELO 1 Research Knowledge and Skills Able to study various forms of moving images by using rules, principles, and research methods to produce research reports. V KKNI Level 6 Point 3 KU 1; KU 3; KU 4; KU 9; S9; S8; S7; S5; S3;KK2;P1; KK 5; P 1
ELO 2 Artistic Knowledge and Skills Able to produce moving images or derivative products by utilizing technological developments and innovations. V KKNI Level 6 Point 3 KU 1; KU 3; KU 4; KU 9; S9; S8; S7; S5; S3;KK2;P1; KK 5; P 1
ELO 3 Communication Knowledge and Skills Able to convey information and present ideas, results of studies, research and skills in the field of moving images, verbally and non-verbally, to related parties in formal and informal forums. V KKNI Level 6 Point 3 KU 1; KU 3; KU 4; KU 9; S9; S8; S7; S5; S3;KK2;P1; KK 5; P 1
ELO 4 Critical Thinking Able to comprehend context, think logically, critically and systematically in the development or implementation of science and technology in moving images. V KKNI Level 6 Point 3 KU 1; KU 3; KU 4; KU 9; S9; S8; S7; S5; S3;KK2;P1; KK 5; P 1
ELO 5 Intellectual Property based on local wisdom Able to comprehend the design and marketing of moving image products and derivative products using elements of local wisdom that have selling value and get copyright recognition from Indonesia. V KKNI Level 6 Point 3 KU 1; KU 3; KU 4; KU 9; S9; S8; S7; S5; S3;KK2;P1; KK 5; P 1
ELO 6 Occupational health and safety awareness and work ethics Able to show awareness in implementing workplace work ethics and health, safety, and security procedures. V KKNI Level 6 Point 3 KU 1; KU 3; KU 4; KU 9; S9; S8; S7; S5; S3;KK2;P1; KK 5; P 1
ELO 7 Credibility Able to show independent performance, responsibility, discipline, and make decisions appropriately. V KKNI Level 6 Point 3 KU 1; KU 3; KU 4; KU 9; S9; S8; S7; S5; S3;KK2;P1; KK 5; P 1
ELO 8 Team work Able to work in teams and respect the diversity, opinions, or original findings of others and evaluate the results of group work responsibly. V KKNI Level 6 Point 3 KU 1; KU 3; KU 4; KU 9; S9; S8; S7; S5; S3;KK2;P1; KK 5; P 1


Lifelong Learning

No. Key Competence Lifelong Learning ELO1 ELO2 ELO3 ELO4 ELO5 ELO6 ELO7 ELO8
1 Communication in the mother tongue v v v
2 Communication in foreign language v v v
3 Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology v v v
4 Digital competence v v v
5 Learning to learn v v v
6 Social and civic competences v v v
7 Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship v v
8 Cultural awareness and expression v v v

Industries’ Needs Related to ELO

Job Title/ Profession Job Description ELO Concentration Courses
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Graphic Designer Design a visualization of concepts and layout v v v v v v Visual Brand Design
Art Director Design and be responsible for the visual concept of visual advertising v v v v v v
Creative Director Design and be responsible for creative and media strategies v v v v v v v v
Copywriter Design persuasive words as the main support in advertising v v v
Junior Designer Design a visualization of translating brand concepts v v v v
Senior Designer Design and be responsible for creative concepts and brand visuals v v v v v
Technopreneur Design be responsible and run the development of a creative industry-based business v v v v v v v v
Asset Designer Designing visual media assets both digital and non-digital interactive v v v v v v Interaction Design
Junior Designer Design visualization of interactive concept translation v v v v
Senior Designer Designing and being responsible for creative concepts and interactive media v v v v v v
User Experience (UX) Designer Perform user tests on interactive media v v v v v v v
Art Director Designing and being responsible for the interactive concepts of the media v v v v v v v v
Interaction Design Design and be responsible for patterns and concepts of interaction on interactive media v v v v v v v


Learning Methods in FILM UMN

Years Film & Animation
1st Year Students will study the history and context associated with film and animation to provide the basic concept research that students will need in making live-action and animated films.
2nd Year The forms and types of film and animation media, traditional and modern, will be introduced to students.
3rd Year Students begin to choose the specifications of their field of expertise, where they can choose suitable elective courses that support their chosen field of expertise.
4th Year Students apply all the material they have learned since the first year of their studies for the Internship and Final Project / Thesis based on their major and expertise.


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Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) is the study freedom for Undergraduate students to take credits outside the study program (in one semester) and the freedom to carry out learning activities outside of college (in two semesters).

Academic Requirements:

In this MBKM activity, only Track I Internships are mandatory, and other activities are optional. Students can join the MBKM program with the following academic requirements:

MBKM Activity Registration Timeline:

Students must follow these specified timeline:

Through Entrepreneurship, students are expected to understand, identify, analyze, and evaluate the concept as well as the terminology of entrepreneurship so that they may create an innovative and sustainable business idea. It will focus on the study of planning, implementing, and evaluating the business.


  1. Ability to understand the mindset, concept, and terminology of entrepreneurship.
  2. Ability to identify problems and develop solutions that have business/commercial values.
  3. Ability to develop solutions from ideas that have sustainable business/commercial values.
  4. Ability to analyze existing entrepreneurship business models.



Conducted by Skystar Ventures, Student Affairs, and Film Study Program.



Registration data will be processed and sorted by Skystar Ventures.

Registration procedures will start during pre-Course Selection Enrollment, Course Selection Enrollment, and registration in merdeka.umn.ac.id. Students are advised to read technical instructions in the MBKM Entrepreneurship Handbook on page 9 (bit.ly/JuknisClusterKewirausahaan)


Choosing Supervisor

The Head of the Study Program will open recruitment for lecturers and tenants that will be assigned as a supervisor.


Study and Assistance Process

Evaluation and grading paper will be used as guidance.


Report Paper and Thesis Defense

The output will be a report paper and a business presentation.

Report writing procedures can be found in MBKM Entrepreneurship Handbook on page 1 (bit.ly/JuknisClusterKewirausahaan)

The Student Exchange’s aim was knowledge transfer to cover disparities in education in higher education, either domestic or overseas, which includes:

  • Study in other Study Programs at the same university.
  • Study in the same Study Programs at different universities.
  • Study in other Study Programs at different universities.


  1. Study across universities in the country.
  2. Live with local residents at the destination campus.
  3. The vision of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika will be more developed to strengthen the cross-cultural brotherhood.
  4. Building student friendships between regions, ethnic groups, culture, and religion.
  5. Transfer of knowledge to cover educational disparities, both with fellow domestic universities and with foreign universities.
  6. Enriching experiences and scientific contexts obtained from destination universities with specific learning support facilities.


Partner Universities are Institutions accredited A, excellent, or equivalent.


Study Programs from Partner Universities are UMN Study
Programs’ recommendations that have been adjusted based on
competencies and needs.


Cooperation carried out with partners is reciprocal.


The Cooperation Framework regulates the students’ quota sent from and received by UMN.


Study Programs from Partner Universities are UMN Study Programs’ recommendations that have been adjusted based on competencies and needs.


Each university provides a pass (certificate of completion) for the student exchange program, accompanied by proof of obtaining credit scores signed by Partner Universities’ authorized official to students participating in the student exchange program.

The Research Cluster is aimed at students that are interested in research activities. They will be given the opportunity to conduct their studies in research institutes, laboratories, and study centers, which are very prestigious.


  • Improving students’ research quality. In addition, student experience in extensive research projects will strengthen the research pool talent topically.
  • Students gain research competence through direct supervision by researchers at research institutes/study centers.
  • Improving the ecosystem and research quality in Indonesian laboratories and institutes by providing research resources and regenerating researchers early.
  • Increasing research collaboration between UMN and the research and industry institute.
  • Improving UMN research outputs, either publication of scientific articles, intellectual property rights, or product innovations.





Pre-Course Selection Enrollment, Course Selection Enrollment, and registration in merdeka.umn.ac.id. Students are advised to read technical instructions in the MBKM Research Handbook on page 9 (bit.ly/JuknisClusterPenelition)


Choosing Supervisor


Research and Assistance Process


Report Paper and Thesis Defense

Using Internship report paper template.

The Community Project aims to support government projects related to developing villages or rural areas. Most villages receive government funding, yet their human resources do not have the capability for development planning. Therefore, the effectiveness of using village funds to drive economic growth still needs to be improved through students whose mission is to empower village funds.


  • The opportunities for students to take advantage of their knowledge, technology, and skills in collaborating with many stakeholders in the field.
  • Assist in accelerating the development in rural areas together with the Ministry of Villages, Development of Underdeveloped Regions, and Transmigration.





Registration procedures will start during pre-Course Selection Enrollment, Course Selection Enrollment, and registration in merdeka.umn.ac.id. Students are advised to read technical instructions in the MBKM
Community Project Handbook on page9 (bit.ly/JuknisClusterProyekDesa)


Choosing Supervisor


Community Project and Assistance Process


Report Paper and Thesis Defense

Report writing procedures can be found in MBKM Entrepreneurship Handbook on page 11 (bit.ly/JuknisClusterProyekDesa)

The Independent Project is a program that allows students to carry out the chosen project independently, given and proposed by Study Program or in collaboration with partners.

  1. Realizing student ideas in developing innovative products.
  2. Organizing research and development (R&D) based education.
  3. Improving students’ achievement in national and international competitions.





Registration procedures will start during pre-Course Selection Enrollment, Course Selection Enrollment, and registration in merdeka.umn.ac.id. Students are advised to read technical instructions in the MBKM Community Project Handbook on page 9 (bit.ly/JuknisClusterPrindependen)


Choosing Supervisor


Independent Project and Assistance Process


Report Paper and Thesis Defense

Report writing procedures can be found in MBKM Entrepreneurship Handbook on page 11