


Your Story




Your Story


Film at Numbers

we always give our best and strive to improve our quality


student’s average GPA

2 months

average waiting time from
graduation to getting the
first job


employment rate

3.87 / 5

employee satisfaction rate
from company & stakeholders


Future Filmmaker!

Animators, Storytellers!

The Film Study Program of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara offers two excellent concentrations, namely Film and Animation. Whatever concentration you choose, we support you to participate in coloring the world with innovative works and studies related to moving images that are relevant to the times. Therefore, we develop a curriculum by combining elements of the theory, cinematic skills, and entrepreneurship. The learning atmosphere is also built friendly, but still upholds the values of professionalism and virtue. Continuing the commitment of Multimedia Nusantara University, the Film Studies Program is here to enlighten the nation, especially in the field of motion pictures.

Head of the Study Program Film
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Our Majors

The Film Study Program of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara offers future-oriented majors, which are Film and Animation. These majors explore interdisciplinary courses of study ranging from technical matters to marketing strategies in the film industry. Our majors aim to produce graduates that are competitive in the global film industry.


  • Film Director
  • Screenwriter
  • Director of Photography
  • Art Director
  • Production Designer
  • Sound Designer
  • Film Editor
  • Producer
  • Film Critic
  • Film Researcher
  • Film Festival Organizer
  • Videographer

  • Animators (2D and 3D)
  • Animation Character & Environmental Designer
  • Game Character & Animation Designer
  • Motion Graphic Designer
  • Animation Director
  • Concept Artist
  • Comic Artist
  • Visual Development Artist / Illustrator
  • Storyboard Artist
  • Visual Effects Director
  • Art Director
  • Creative Director


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